Automated Rig Mat Cleaning
- Variable Speed Conveyor
- Wash Water Recycling System
- Made For Easy Transport
Call Today: 800-897-7515
Available M-F 8:00 - 5:30 EST

Mat Cleaning with Closed-Loop Recycling Equipment
• Clean Industrial Mats In Minutes
• High Volume / High-Pressure System
• Complete Wash Water Recycling
• Single Pass 360 Degree Cleaning
Our heavy duty oilfield mat cleaning equipment operates with high pressure high volume cleaning power. We clean an industrial mat in a single pass in minutes. Visit for more information.
Oilfield Water Blasting And Wash Water Filtration
With over thirty years of experience and know how we are here to help you tackle the tough projects. Cleaning of dirty rig mats can be a massive job. For this reason we have designed and built a transportable system to bring cleaning automation into remote areas. With a combination of high-pressure and high-volume water we clean your dirty rig mats quickly and efficiently. The rig mat washing system collects and recycles all the wash water at a high volume rate to keep the cleaning head running. This eliminates the high cost of fresh water transport for onsite use along with wash water collection and hauling costs.
This item is made to order. |

Money Maker 3008
Gas / Diesel Pressure Washer
3000 PSI @ 8 GPM
Dual Operator
3,500 lbs Tandem Axle Trailer

Money Maker 3010V
Gas / Diesel Pressure Washer
3000 PSI @ 10 GPM
Dual Operator
3,500 lbs Tandem Axle Trailer

Chopper TA2 MCS-3506
Gas / Diesel Pressure Washer
3500 PSI @ 6 GPM
Dual Operators
3,500 lbs Tandem Axle Trailer

General TA3 MCS-3008
Gas / Diesel Pressure Washer
3000 PSI @ 8 GPM
Dual Operators
5,200 lbs Tandem Axle Trailer

Open TA3-MV23-455
Recovery And Recycling Trailer
450 CFM / 20 GPM
Dual Operators
5,200 lbs Tandem Axle Trailer